Proud Winner of the FOCUS Award

Maude Leger is proud to be the recipient of the prestigious ActionCoach FOCUS Award for goals achieved this fall 2011.

The ActionCOACH FOCUS Award was introduced in 2009 and is presented only to clients in the ActionCOACH Community who accomplish tremendous results in their business in a calendar quarter.

The Award was presented at ActionCOACH GrowthCLUB at The Glencairn Golf Club on September 30th, 2011.

Leveraging Social Media for Real Estate: 6 Tips for Realtors

Leveraging Social Media for Real Estate: 6 Tips for Realtors

In today's digital age, social media is more than just a platform for sharing life's moments—it's a powerful tool for real estate professionals. As a realtor, leveraging social media can dramatically enhance your visibility, establish your brand, and ultimately,...

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