Maximize Impact with Your Just Listed & Just Sold Listings
Turn listings into opportunities! Showcase Just Listed and Just Sold properties with postcards to position yourself as the go-to real estate agent and secure your next deal!
Marketing Your New & Successful Listings

Sold Right Away can help you gain more exposure to your new and sold listings with social media, print and online multimedia. See what we can offer your listings with our leverage your listings services.
Leverage Your Listing Services
Learn about what marketing services are available to you for your Just Listed & Sold Listings.

Just Listed & Sold Postcards
Marketing the home you just sold is a really great way to gain Realtor credibility to boost your brand. It won’t only show future potential buyers homes you had sold in the past, but it will also let them visualize what they could do with their home. Sold Postcards are great for the home buyer and seller as well.

Client Testimonial VIdeos
If you want to benefit yourself and your brand, creating client/buyer testimonials will help. This presents their whole experience when purchasing or selling a home with you while adding a human component through video. This also gives future clients a glimpse of what they can expect from you and from the Real Estate process.

Social Media Managing
Sold Right Away will create a custom presentation image of your SOLD with your home, photo and marketing slogan to either ours & your social media sites. Each week we also we present the listings our clients have sold to social media. Every home and Realtor will be advertised through Sold Right Away’s Facebook network, to let the public know you were the star that week.