Get More Series

Oct 1, 2020

Get More Series – Episode 9: Processes & Plans To Win

Get More Series – Episode 9: Processes & Plans To Win

Welcome back to our get more series. It's time to discuss processes to win in your industry as a Realtor. You must plan your work and work your plan. It's easy to get distracted, be motivated, to stay at home and not actually want to do the work, but if you have a...

Get More Series – Episode 8: Leveraging Your Listings

Get More Series – Episode 8: Leveraging Your Listings

Welcome back to our get more series. Previous episodes was all about strategies to market yourself and get more listings. Now let's talk about leveraging your listings that you currently have. Once you have a listing it is very important to do open houses. Open houses...

Get More Series – Episode 7: Strategizing For Your Brand

Get More Series – Episode 7: Strategizing For Your Brand

Welcome back to our get more series. We're gonna talk about strategy, are you one of those people that goes all out on marketing when you don't have a listing, and stop when you do? You must have systems and procedures in place to make sure you're consistently...

Get More Series – Episode 6: Innovating Your Brand

Get More Series – Episode 6: Innovating Your Brand

Welcome back to our get more series. We're gonna talk about innovation, are you the one always seeking new ways to market your listings? You must, if you're not sure, contact a real estate marketing company like Sold Right Away and find out what is out there. What can...

Get More Series – Episode 5: Getting Your Brand Known

Get More Series – Episode 5: Getting Your Brand Known

Welcome back to our get more series! We're gonna talk about farming, are you against farming? Did you try farming and it didn't work out for you? There's so many people who say they tried it and they give up. Why? Well then let's assess that.. I can tell you that if...

Get More Series – Episode 4: Leveraging Your Assets

Get More Series – Episode 4: Leveraging Your Assets

Welcome back to our get more series! We talked about branding supercharging it, creating a target audience, and now it's time to leverage all that. Leverage everything that you have that can bring you return on your investment. Time to leverage your brand to your...

Get More Series – Episode 3: Targeting Your Audience

Get More Series – Episode 3: Targeting Your Audience

Welcome back to our get more series for real estate agents. Number one was assess your brand, number two was supercharge your brand. So, number three would be make sure your audience is clearly specifically targeted throughout all your marketing. With that you need to...

Get More Series – Episode 2: Supercharging Your Brand

Get More Series – Episode 2: Supercharging Your Brand

Welcome back to our Get More Series for Real Estate Agents. Once your brand is consistent looking throughout all your pieces. It's time to supercharge it, that means make sure all your pieces are professionally done. Don't get someone to do it in a PDF, in publisher...

Get More Series – Episode 1: Our New Series

Get More Series – Episode 1: Our New Series

Welcome to our get more series. This series is going to be all about helping you get more listings, close more deals, but it all starts with building a strong brand and powerfully marketing your listings. In this series, were going to supercharge your brand and help...