What To Do Right Now Series

Oct 1, 2020

What To Do Right Now Series – Reviewing the Steps

What To Do Right Now Series – Reviewing the Steps

Welcome to the last and final episode of our What To Do Right Now Series! Let's review the activities that you can do right now to help you be successful in the long run 1. Keep Positive! 2. Adapt to change, don't resist 3. Plan, Plan and plan some more 4. Take...

What To Do Right Now Series – Step Up Your Online Game

What To Do Right Now Series – Step Up Your Online Game

Welcome back to our What To Do Right Now Series! This week we're talking about the importance of your online presence. Review this list: 1. How does your website look? Is it professional looking, does it have consistent branding? Is all of the information up to date...

What To Do Right Now Series – Keep in Touch!

What To Do Right Now Series – Keep in Touch!

Today we're going to talk about keeping in touch with clients, partners and prospects! Give them updates on the market and the industry, and remind them that you are there for them, when they decide they are ready to buy or sell. There are so many ways to keep in...

What To Do Right Now Series – Plan, Plan, Plan

What To Do Right Now Series – Plan, Plan, Plan

Welcome back to our What To Do Right Now series! This week we're talking planning, planning and more planning! In order to be proactive and stay competitive, you need to create what I like to call an "After Plan" for when the market rebounds, because it WILL rebound....

What To Do Right Now Series – Adapt

What To Do Right Now Series – Adapt

Welcome back to our What To Do Right Now series! A very important thing we all need to be doing right now is to adapt to our changed lives! Don't resist! 1. Go Virtual 2 Update your website 3. Safety first For more information contact me to review your marketing and...

What To Do Right Now Series – Keep positive

What To Do Right Now Series – Keep positive

Welcome back to our What To Do Right Now series! The first and most important thing you need to be doing right now is staying positive and motivated! You will get through this time, you will find a way to thrive, if you continue keep positive and wrk on your business...

Doing Business During a Pandemic

Doing Business During a Pandemic

In these unusual times, I find myself and many others wondering...what do I do right now?! It's very easy to lose motivation and become stressed and anxious during a crisis like this. But it is so important to focus on staying positive and motivated while continuing...